Friday, November 18, 2011

Samuel Adams (Boston Brewing Co): Griffin's Bow Oaked Blonde Barleywine Ale

I was actually pretty excited to find this brew. Apparently, from what I read, Samuel Adams had four brews that were going to be terribly difficult to get out here in California; this brew just happened to be one of the four. However, I presume it was all self-produced hype from Samuel Adams because I have heard of a number of places out here that have them. Either way, since I am a sucker for Barley Wine styled ales, I was intrigued by this one. Apparently the brew is aged in "Toasted Oak." Let's give it a try.

The beer is clean. You know us Americans, we are obsessed with clear beer. What I am surprised about is that the bottom of the bottle has absolutely no sediment in it. I find this rather strange for a "barley wine," with bottle-conditioning and all. Either way, it's definitely filtered; quite honestly, I do not necessarily know how I feel about it. I suppose it does not matter too much, but I just don't like the idea of filtering something like a barley wine. Oh well. The head leaves almost no retention around the glass as it drops away.

The aroma is quite plain to be honest. I smell malts, some citrusy fruit notes, and toffee. That's all I get. I don't particularly smell any sort of toasted oak, but perhaps it'll come across in the flavor of the brew.

Wow. This guy packs a punch! The flavor actually surprised me because of the beer's lack of aroma. I get a huge grapefruit on the front, almost like a glass of ruby red. Then I do, in fact, get some oak mixed with a lot of alcohol. The grapefruit flavor is, for me, the strongest and most apparent in the brew. It is quite complex in flavors, but the finish is even bitter with undeniably lingering grapefruit notes. Sometimes when there are just a hodgepodge of ingredients, they can cancel each other out and only a small number of them are actually noticeable. I think this is one of those beers. It's not bad in any sense of the word, but it's also very boozy. Is it balanced? I would say so. Would I recommend it to others? Absolutely, especially if you like bitter citrus. Would I buy it again? Probably not, but never say never. Let's not forget the fact that it's a blonde barley wine and just that alone takes talent to produce. When I really think about it, hats off to Sam Adams for brewing some beers that are more complex than a basic lager or porter. If you can find it, give it a shot. At 11.5% ABV, it's worth the $6.00 you'll spend on it. I'm going to grab the other three and compare them all. Cheers.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Deschutes Brewery (Boulevard Brewing Co.) Conflux Series: No 2

"The Conflux Series: Where we unite with fellow craft beer zealots separated by distance, but not passion, to create unlikely, one-time only collaborations." -Beer Bottle

I read somewhere that this beer is quite the treat, and considering it's Halloween and I don't really eat candy, I thought I'd treat myself. The label describes the contents inside the bottle as a citrusy, smooth white India Pale Ale which combines Deschutes' hop skills with Boulevard's deft wheat touch. It also says it's brewed with orange peel and coriander with spices added. Naturally, with the sudden heat wave Southern California has been subject to (big surprise, right?), this brew seems just perfect for the occasion.

The appearance is a clean light golden color. I've never had any of Boulevard's beers, but I was expecting at least a bit of cloudiness considering the whole "deft wheat touch" aspect of the label. This is neither here nor there because appearance isn't that big of a deal to me (or professional beer judges to be honest). There is a nice white foamy head which leaves a nice retention around the glass. Speaking of the glass, since a beer geek loves matching glassware to the beer they are consuming at that precise moment, I busted out my Deschutes Brewery Public House pint glass for this one.

As far as aromas go, I get the citrus on the nose with some grassy aromas. By grassy, I am referring to certain different varietals of hops which contain aromas similar to, well, grass. Green and earthy does not mean bad when it comes to hops. I can also smell some slight bitterness on the nose as well.

Wow, this is definitely a delicious brew! It starts off fruity and citrusy as I would expect, but then suddenly gets a bit spicy. I do not mean "hot" spicy, but spicy in terms of flavor. As the spices settle, the hops power through and the finish leaves the mouth marginally bitter and dry. As I continue to enjoy the beer, the dryness seems less predominant in the finish. I would definitely say that if you enjoy Saisons, this beer is right up your alley! Delicious and definitely refreshing, this brew is masterfully crafted. I wouldn't expect anything else out of Deschutes. I do not believe I've ever tasted a beer I have not enjoyed from them. They are completely reliable as far as I'm concerned. Let's here it for the Conflux Series! What's next for No. 3?

Friday, September 23, 2011

New Belgium Brewing Company: Lips of Faith Kick

After such a long day at work, I think it's time to wind down with a new brew that I'm, quite honestly, excited to try. New Belgium's Lips of Faith series has yet to disappoint my taste buds, and I highly doubt this one will be the first. This ale is 75% brewed with pumpkin and cranberry juice, 25% ale aged in wooden barrels. Ranking in at 8.5%, I have high hopes.

It pours a nice golden color with an egg-white colored head. Malty sweet aromas come off the nose with some spices as well. I do get some pumpkin off the nose, but nothing like Shipyard's Smashed Pumpkin. Time to taste...

Oh my! It's a sour! If you enjoy sours, you will love this. On the front of the tongue I get all the tartness I would expect from a sour. The tartness brings out a bitter cranberry flavor with is actually quite balanced and pleasant. As the beer warms, the tart cranberry gives way to the pumpkin as the recognizable flavors seem to switch. The warmer it is, the more pumpkin I taste. I like this a lot. Overall I'm quite pleased with how well balanced this ale is. I didn't expect it to be a sour, but the wooden barrels obviously did their job well. What is so impressive about this beer is that it's 8.5% ABV. Most sours tend to be in the 5-6, maybe 7, range in terms of ABV. Obviously there are many exceptions to this non-intentional grouping of "sours," but something at 8.5% does indeed stand out when you don't taste any alcohol in the beer. Go buy one and enjoy it! It won't be around for long, I can promise you that. Well done, New Belgium.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hangar 24: Oktoberfest (Celebration)

As I sit here and drink my morning coffee, I have decided to try something a little different. It has been months since I last blogged about new/exciting brews. It is not because I have lost interest or I have stopped analyzing beer; I can promise you that is not the case. I have just slacked off a bit when it comes to anything that channels my strong relationship with academia. However, it is time to return to the world of beer through text. Now, onto something a little bit different.

Last week in the IE, Hangar 24 Craft Brewery celebrated its release of their Oktoberfest, a Marzen-style lager. Last year the release party for the brew was held at the brewery itself. I attended this celebration, and it is insane to think about how much a brewery can grow in one year. While the Oktoberfest in 2010 was packed shoulder to shoulder with almost no shade, it was still relatively easy to get a beer. In fact, they even put on a special cask of the 2010 Oktoberfest with raspberries added, and it was delicious. The pros definitely outweighed the cons.

Transition back to 2011, and let's discuss Hangar 24's 3rd Anniversary celebration. It was still held at the brewery, but this time they rented a huge tent for shade (Redlands is not known for its shade or cool weather to say the least). They had live bands, specialty brews, and enough room for every person to comfortably move around. The celebration seemed to be carried out successfully to a tee. This is what I was expecting for their Oktoberfest release. Yet, I do not manage the books for a brewery so I have absolutely no idea what the difference in costs were between this, and what they did for their Oktoberfest this year.

Now I feel I have provided enough background information to inform you, the reader, of my experience at this year's Oktoberfest. When it comes to situations and events like this, I'm not very picky. Let me just get that out of the way. This year's celebration was held at a park directly across the street from the University of Redlands. A nice strategic move by Hangar 24, and completely understandable on my end. The $5.00 cover was donated to the Optimist Club of Redlands, an organization to help youth (from what I understand). It was relatively comedic, however, that the old men kept calling the brewery "Hangar 21." I don't know why I found it so entertaining, but maybe it was because it brought back my Megadeath days; all I had to do was subtract 3 from 21, and I'd have Hangar 18! With that being said, the celebration was fun in my opinion. While there weren't many activities to fill time besides old, traditional socialization, it was still an entertaining experience while holding a fresh Oktoberfest lager in hand.

 (Oktoberfest lager resting next to glass stein filled with commemorative shirt)

The beer itself is rich and malty, with a little bit of spice to it that I do not remember from last year. This could have been a reaction to something I ate earlier in the day, but I am not entirely sure. The brew then had a slight, or should I say very slight, hoppy finish. Hangar 24 knows how to make a good beer, and this year's Oktoberfest lager is no exception.

(Polka band playing "Just Because")

(Stein holding contest)

Now back to the celebration itself, I must obviously give my opinion on my disappointments. While the lack of activities didn't bother me much, the beers available did. I understand it's hard to transport a large number of your beers in the trucks-turned-bars, but the disappointment came when there were only 4 beers available. The beers available were: Orange Wheat, Helles, Alt-Bier, and of course Oktoberfest. None of these beers are bad, that's not my point here. I suppose what I'm trying to say is that one of the pros of having it at the brewery itself is the option to have something different if desired. Or, in fact, have the special cask put on for the festival. At the brewery, there is always the option to have something different. At a park, you only have four choices. That's my only issue with the celebration. The food was good, the polka was great, and the people from Hangar 24 are always really nice and relatable. I will definitely return to the Oktoberfest next year, so I suppose I better start browsing some authentic lederhosen online.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Stone Brewing Co: Belgo Anise Imperial Russian Stout

Another Belgo. I have been waiting for this one to come out for quite some time (since the Belgo Old Guardian) and the moment has finally arrived. The descriptions and notes on the bottle beat you over the head with the whole anise thing, so I figure there is going to be a lot of black licorice flavor present in this brew (Education on ANISE). These are just, obviously, predictions. It pours just as I expected it would: black, no translucence at all, and a dark khaki head.

The most prominent aroma? Anise. Not that this is surprising considering I know the story behind the creation of this beer, but wow, it is quite pungent. I also get oakiness, molasses, and alcohol on the nose. As I continue to smell the brew, I find slight traces of smokiness as well. Not much (nor do I expect it to taste smokey at all), but I can still pick it out. The flavor profile does not differ much from the nose. Lots of anise on the front with very identifiable alcohol. As the beer hits the back of the throat, the flavors of the traditional IRS appear only to be suddenly smothered by more anise and alcohol for a bitter finish.

Honestly, I am not sure about this, nor the Belgo idea as a whole. I would never say this is a bad beer, because it's not. It's actually quite original. However, there's just too much anise. I feel Stone's use of the Belgian yeast with the two Belgo styles this year hasn't worked as precisely as they would have wanted. At least not for enjoying the beers upon the date of their release. I'm really hoping this beer mellows out after a while (as I hope with the Belgo Old Guardian Barley Wine). It definitely punches you in the face with flavor and uniqueness, and I'm also quite anxious to try it on tap. My only fear is that the alcohol and anise will be even more prominent on tap. I did not have this beer cold either; I drank it at room temperature. It ranks in at 10.5% ABV. I'll try the other one I bought in about a year. Do I recommend it? Yes. I think everyone should taste this. Spend the $6.00, support local breweries, and enjoy it slowly.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Caldera Brewing Company: Ginger Beer

I must say, I don't really know how I feel about Caldera out of Ashland, Oregon. I've only had a couple of brews from them, and they have all been "decent." By decent, I mean I'm glad I tried them but really have no desire to buy them again. With that being said, I will try any brew at least once. Consequently, I purchased this beer and immediately began judging the book by its cover. I know I shouldn't do this, but it is difficult for me to get past this beer's name: Ginger Beer. Really, Caldera? You couldn't have come up with something witty or ironic or something? Anyways, now that everyone knows that I take a beer's name seriously, I will get to actually trying it.

It pours a translucent straw yellow with a fizzy head (Fizzy Yellow Beer). Again, unimpressive. The aromas don't really catch my attention either. I smell citrus and a slight malt character. That's about it. I truly hope the flavor of the beer knocks me off my feet...

Nope. I don't really know what I expected from this guy, but it's just an all-around unimpressive brew. I can taste the ginger, but it's not beating me over the head with the ginger flavor. Instead, it's just somewhat lingering in the initial taste. The citrus is present throughout and the finish is slightly dry with a tad of a hop character; again though, there's nothing too special about this. Don't get me wrong, it's not bad. For all I know, this is what Caldera was going for. In regards to the beer, the bottle states, "A summer beer designed for hot weather quaffing." They are definitely not wrong. I mean, I get it. Ranking in at 4.7% ABV, it's definitely a session-style beer that could be enjoyed all day. Summing it all up, for me, this is just a brew filled with so much mediocrity that I'd recommend grabbing something else if you are torn between this or something else. Have no fear though, Caldera Brewing Company. I'm going to buy your "Vas Deferens" Belgian-Strong Ale next. I believe there is a beer or yours out there for me, and I'm hoping that is it. At least the artwork is amazing, right?

(Photo courtesy of Caldera Brewing Company's website)


Friday, May 6, 2011

Castle Brewery Van Honsebrouck: Kasteel Rouge

First things first, this beer is described as a "Belgian Ale with Cherries and Cherry Juice Added." Some fruit beers are good while some are not that great, but I will never exclude a beer from a write-up because I'm not a huge fan of the style. I felt like a little something different, much like the music I am currently listening to, so I bought this to try. I mean, come on, I have the matching glassware. That in itself is enough to give this beer a shot.

Upon pouring it, I can smell the cherries and it was actually quite over-the-top on the cherry aromas. There is almost no head, and the beer pours a deep, clean red. The red didn't come out in the photo because of the background novels, but believe me, this is a deep read. As I stated before, strong cherry aromas with some sweet maltiness to it. It almost reminds me of the smell of dark cherry soda. I cannot stand artificial cherry flavors because I feel they make everything taste like medicine. Either way, there isn't anything too special in terms of appearance or aromas, so let's get to tasting.

Tastes just as it smells. Carbonated cherry juice. The aftertaste is slightly bitter, but I cannot taste alcohol in this beer at all. I am also getting a slight sour aftertaste as well. But there is something pretty exciting about this fruit beer. Are you ready for the big surprise? This thing is 8% ABV. 8%! It is quite surprising to me considering there is no alcohol flavor present in this at all. For this being a fruit beer and scaling in at 8%, it's a very well-made fruit beer. Belgium, you have done it again. Yet another satisfying beer, regardless of whether it is a fruit beer or not. Ladies, I suggest you try this one. You'll love it. Fellas, I suggest you try this one too. Sometimes, it's nice to change things up a bit, even for the die-hard hophead.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Great Divide Brewing Company: 17th Anniversary Wood Aged Double IPA

Now, if the name alone doesn't make you want to try this beer, then I think you are probably reading the wrong blog. Obviously I'm kidding since I'm not in the market of alienation, but this brew just sounds like something that is right up my alley. Immediately I am reminded of Dogfish Head's Burton Baton which is very similar in terms of immediate descriptions. When I heard this brew was being released, I kept my eyes peeled for weeks. This is mainly due to the fact that I knew I would purchase it without a second thought, and that leads us to today. After sharing a few brews with some old and new friends at the Fullerton Farmer's Market Beer Gardens, I decided to come home and crack this monster open. Yes, I am assuming it is a monster because an Oak-Aged  DIPA is no American Light Lager. At 10.0% ABV, I'm ready to get this taste going.

The beer pours a honey-amber with somewhat of a blood orange translucence to it. The head is a light khaki and dissipates rather quickly. The only thing left is about a centimeter of head at the top of the brew. The aromas are interesting to say the least. I get the wood almost immediately with a mixture of sweet malts, bitter hops, and even some caramel and vanilla. I would have pulled the wood out of this (stop it) even if I didn't already know it was aged in it. It's quite apparent to my nose. Anyways, onto the beer!

Now, I'm going to admit that I hardly chilled this beer at all. This is mostly because I feel these sorts of beers are so much better with only a slight chill, but more towards room temperature. The beer is pretty strong on the alcohol front once it immediately hits the tongue. However, upon swirling, the alcohol takes a back seat to complex wood flavors mixed with some nice malts. I do, also, get vanilla on the tongue. Upon swallowing, it's definitely better on the back end. The mixture of wood and malt blends with a bitter hoppy finish to create a definitely well-balanced beer. Every sip of this beer is a pleasure, especially to someone that has taken a break from craft beers for a number of purposes. The sweetness seems to be the only thing that stays with you in terms of lingering flavor characteristics. This one is definitely worth a buy. Try it. Let me know what you think. I might buy another one and see how it tastes in a year, but then again I might not. This is definitely a sipper, though. Do not purchase this and expect to just put it down like a normal IPA. This is the type of beer that is meant to be savored and shared. Hence, this blog. I'm sharing it with you, albeit through text. Now go get one.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Double Old Thumper Ale

So, it has once again been quite some time since I've blogged a new beer. This is mainly due to the fact that I have been trying to cut back on my beer consumption. Yet, I have had this brew in my refrigerator for quite some time and I'm tired of it staring me in the face every time the door opens. Plus, I have missed beer too much to keep ignoring this intriguing ale. I've always been a fan of the original Old Thumper Ale, so once I saw the double, it was a definite purchase. At 11.2% ABV, it promises to be a monster whether it is good or not.

It pours a nice amber with a glowing red translucence when held up to the light. A nice malty aroma presents itself with some alcohol on the nose as well. Knowing that the original Old Thumper is a nice British ale, I expect some creaminess on the tongue at some point. There is about a half an inch of khaki head and I'm very eager to taste this beer.

Whoa. Alcohol galore. I really don't know how else to describe it other than slight sweet malt character with a whole bunch of alcohol. The aftertaste is actually quite pleasant, so I'm going to let this guy warm up a bit and see if some of the overpowering alcohol flavor falls off.

Overall, this is not a complex beer at all. Would I buy it again? Probably not. I think that Shipyard should stick to brewing and bottling the regular Old Thumper on a grander scale and free the room in their tanks held up with this brew. While I was really excited to see a "double" of a beer that I've always enjoyed, this is physical proof that making a double is not always the best idea for certain beers. While cold, it's just not very enjoyable. As it warms, some of the alcohol falls off,  but not too much. British Bitters, I get it. However, the alcohol character just really clashes with the flavors of this brew. I'm curious as to whether this beer would age well? I'm not going to try it, so if anyone else tries it, let me know.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Uerige: DoppelSticke

I seriously bought this beer because of the sweet bottle. I mean, considering everything on the label is in German, I was clueless as to what it was except for it being an Alt-Bier. So, I purchased it and brought it home. I was not going to do a write-up on it, but then the aromas hit me. The aromas coming off of this guy are huge. Sweet malts, toffee, brown sugar, even some sort of barrel. To be honest, it smells a lot like the Lost Abbey Angel Share that I had aged in Brandy barrels. That's the closest I can come to comparing the way this brew smells. It's amazing. Upon further analysis, the label says this: "Bottled on 06.04." Knowing that months and years are reversed (from the way we do it here in the United States) in Europe, I'm assuming this beer was bottled in April 2006. So, pretty much 5 years ago this thing has been sitting and aging. Amazing news considering I spent $6.00 on it.

The beer pours a murky brown, as expected. There was little head that quickly disappeared to leave nice lacing around the inside of my glass. If I had known that I would be reviewing this guy, I wouldn't have used this style glass. Either way, it does not matter to me as I am dying to try it.

Immediately I get alcohol on the tongue with lots of carmelized malt characters (toffee, caramel, brown sugar) like in the aromas and a slightly bitter finish. The finish actually has some dark espresso bitterness to it. Honestly, it smells a lot better than it tastes. Yet, it is still a great tasting beer. It is an extremely easy-drinking beer, especially for something that started out at 8.5% ABV. I can guarantee that it is higher in ABV in 2011 for the alcohol is not hidden at all. You can definitely taste it, but this is a great beer for the beer lover who is searching for something different. Will I buy it again? Probably. Do I recommend it? Absolutely. Go get yourself a DoppelSticke and throw on some Wizo while you enjoy it, schweinhund!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Stone Brewing Co: Old Guardian BELGO Barley Wine Style Ale

I know what you are all thinking: "Why does this guy review so many Stone brews?" Honestly, there's a simple answer to that question. Here in Southern California, Stone is quite popular, even to those that are not crazy about craft beers. I brought a bottle of Lukcy Basatrd to work and my manager said something like, "I've had some of those 'Bastard' beers before." Whenever Stone comes out with something new, it's exciting. There was a lot of controversy around this beer as well. Stone has been brewing their Old Guardian (OG) and their Imperial Russian Stout (IRS) for years upon years, and they wanted to shake things up this decade. This OG is made with Belgian yeast, which quite honestly has already changed the aroma as I cracked the bottle open. Stone decided to make these two staple, seasonal brews, into something different on the odd years (2011, 2013, etc). People like me were excited, while others were outraged that they wouldn't be able to get the yearly release of the traditional OG or IRS. So, because of this, Stone has decided to make both. What do I have to say to these people? I appreciate your passion for certain brews, but if you are passionate about craft beer, you most likely know a number of liquor stores that have great selections. In turn, they will most likely have last year's OG or IRS (already aged a year!). With that being said, I want to get to the beer considering this is the second review of the day.

I cannot remember the last year I had the OG out of a bottle from that specific year. Right now my favorite liquor store still has the 2007 OG for a decent price, so I have been purchasing those. I have some 08s, 09s, and 10s in my "cellar," which will most likely come out soon to make room. Anyways, the beer pours a nice, deep amber gold with about an inch of khaki head and minimal lacing. Malty aromas with powerful fruit characteristics. Apple, pear, and banana aromas mixed with caramel maltiness. Needless to say, I'm pretty enthralled with the complexities already present in this brew.

Now it is time to be honest with the flavors in this guy. It's huge and packs a punch for sure. Immediately I get the caramel malt flavors and even some of the fruity notes, but then suddenly these flavors clash with an excess of bitterness, dryness, and even slightly sour notes. The finish is all alcohol. At 12%, I was hoping this wouldn't be the case. I must also remember that I am used to having OGs aged a year or two already, so a fresh OG may very well have the strong alcohol on the finish. I might buy this year's traditional OG just to see. Either way, this is a young beer that for sure needs a year or two under its belt to mature into the brew I am hoping it will be. I'll put my other bottle that I purchased away in place for one of the older OGs. My recommendation goes as follows: Buy two, try one, and set the other aside for next spring.

Green Flash/Pizza Port Carlsbad/Stone: Highway 78 Scotch Ale

Yesterday was quite a big day for Stone. Coming off of their Winter Storm week-long festival, they followed it up with the release of two new brews. The first is an "Odd-Year" Release of their Old Guardian Barley Wine. The second is a scotch ale, the first in their line of collaborative efforts in 2011. I knew heading to the Walnut Liquorette would guarantee acquisition of both brews. I was correct.

Now, as I sit here watching the Tottenham v. AC Milan Champions League clash with a 0-0 scoreline at halftime, I have decided to go ahead and get to tasting at least one of these beers. Considering I have to head to work tonight, I chose the smaller of the two (in reference to fluid ounces). This collaboration scotch ale is 8.8% ABV, so by no means do I expect this beer to be small in any way, shape, or form. Scotch ales, historically, spend a long time boiling which results in the wort caramelizing. They tend to be sweet, roasty, malty, full-bodied, and decently high in ABV.

I chose to use the Double Bastard glass for this beer, mainly because it seems to fit it better than a goblet or pint glass would. The beer pours a dark mahogany with red translucence. When held up to the light, it's a beautiful amber-red. There is little to no head on this ale, and lacing along the glass is non-existent. In terms of aromas, I get lots of sweet maltiness, candied notes, caramel, and even some smokiness. Flavor profile is pretty stereotypical for a scotch ale. It kicks off with lots of sweet maltiness like in its aromas (toffee, caramel, even some raisin in it), but as I swirl it around the flavor profile changes to a subtly dry finish. I love when I have something that comes out of Escondido that isn't heavy on the hoppy bitterness. Don't get me wrong, I love that flavor profile in a beer, but I suppose what I'm saying is that I'm glad I don't have to describe this as a "hoppy scotch ale." Perhaps the 15th Anniversary? I'm joking, obviously. Whenever you get three excellent breweries together, the end result will always benefit the craft beer drinker.

I digress, this is a nice, sweet, malty brew perfect for a day like today. When it is overcast in Southern California, it is more likely than not still in the high 60s or 70s (ºF). Why not relax in this confusing weather by having something malty, sweet, but also very balanced and mellow? I would recommend everybody getting their hands on a couple of these. Drink one now, put one away and drink it next year. I'm eager to see how this beer would change with age, and for only $3.49, why not grab a couple extra?  Well done, Green Flash/Pizza Port/Stone. You guys made, yet again, a helluva brew.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mikkeller: 1000 IBU

The stage was indeed set. I had some money in my wallet, I was going to Hollingsheads for lunch, and I was not going to browse the bottled beers. This is pretty much standard as I walk into that establishment just so that I can save money here and there. I'm excited to get a nice, homemade sandwich and a brew to go along with it. I get a glass of Lagunitas Brown Shugga and sit down at a table to await my sandwich. All goes as planned. My card gets called, I pay for my beverage and lunch, and sit down and begin eating. As I'm talking to my buddy about the state of WWE and how I feel they could improve in their creative department, I spot a green-wrapped beer with, printed across the front: "1000 IBU." My eyes widen and intrigue gets the best of me. I excuse myself, go grab it, and bring it back to my seat at the table. I have had many beers by Mikkeller, but I haven't even heard about this one. Their Beer Geek Breakfast was absolutely amazing (and I did, indeed, have it for breakfast one day). Their Beer Geek Brunch was next on my list for them, but this got the best of me. I had to buy this. At $15.99, it was quite steep, but I live life on the edge and I knew this beer would be worth it. I haven't had a bad beer from Mikkeller, so I knew this one wouldn't fail me...

Transport yourself to now. As I sit here and contemplate how this beer is going to taste, I am struck by something that has caught my attention a couple of times in the past. This beer is brewed by Mikkeller, a brewery in Belgium. Belgium, obviously, is historically quite the beer mecca. This beer is an "American Style Imperial India Pale Ale." To have breweries from distinguished locations around the world brewing an "American-style" anything is a true testament to how far we have indeed come in terms of beer. No longer are we scoffed at, mostly by ourselves, by our basic America light lagers. We are truly making a name for ourselves in the world of beer, and I couldn't be happier about it.

IBUs are, simply, International Bitterness Units. The number attributed relates to flavor and bitterness of the beer through the hops used during the brewing process. In traditional American light lagers (Bud/Miller/Coors) the IBUs are somewhere around 5-10. There you have it. The big 3, in each of their beers, have .01% of the IBUs that this beer possesses. Traditional IPAs fluctuate in terms of IBUs, but they are usually around 30-40 for a basic IPA. Obviously, Double IPAs are higher. Even stouts are up around 50 or so, but the bitterness is usually leveled-out by the roasted malts. These are just basic, traditional numbers. Obviously, different beers have different IBUs, but now you must also see how astonishing a beer with 1000 IBUs is! This is just another interesting fact about beer that is quite often overlooked. Next time you see the Miller commercial that claims the beer is, "Triple-Hops Brewed," ask yourself what that really means. Anyways, let's get to the beer.

The beer pours a murky amber with a good amount of sediment. I did not pour this brew too quickly, for I believe it is just a case of sediment evenly distributed throughout the brew. There is absolutely nothing we can do about this one. I got almost no head on pouring the beer, but I can tell that it is off-white and doesn't last long. While it is a murky amber color, when held up to light the outsides have a ruby redness to them. That color is quite fitting, considering the citrus coming off the nose of this beer is astounding. Lots of grapefruit, orange zest, and sweet fruit aromas flood the nostrils immediately. I can also smell pine on the nose as well. Overall, I cannot wait to try it.

WOW. The beginning of the taste is sweet in flavor, but as the beer hits different parts of the tongue, it changes completely. The middle of my initial taste metaphorically socked me in the face with hops, pine, and extreme dryness. The aftertaste is so incredibly dry, bitter, and quite strong on the alcohol front. Yet, I really want another sip of this delicious brew. While the malt characteristics are short-lived (I can taste the malts in the beginning/middle and slightly in the aftertaste), I think Mikkeller accomplished what they attempted to do here with an American Style IPA. Quite honestly, this seems more like a DIPA or possibly even a TIPA. As I progressively drink more, however, the complexity takes a back seat and bitter hoppiness becomes the only thing you taste. I would, most definitely, call this a palate buster. There goes my palate for the rest of the night, but it is way worth it. I expected this beer to be bitter to the point that I would have to share it with someone else just to finish the bottle. I was wrong, obviously. For a beer that has 1000 IBUs and ranks in at 9.6% ABV, it is relatively easy-drinking. Would I give this beer to someone new to the craft beer world? Absolutely not. On the other hand, hopheads rejoice. This beer may put somewhat of a dent in your pocketbook, but it is well worth it for the experience. 1000 IBUs people! Go get one.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

St. Sebastiaan: Grand Réserve

After grabbing a couple beers with my friend Chris at TAPS the other day, we decided to make the short trek over to Total Wine and explore their beer. I picked up this little guy just because the ceramic bottle with the Grolsch style/Flipper top and rubber gasket is pretty sweet. Considering my favorite growlers have the same system, I thought it was a neat little guy. I've seen them before, obviously, but I've never tried this one. The bottle actually does not say much about the beer at all, and I love that. In terms of reviewing beers, sometimes the words presented on the bottle shift the mind to taste or smell certain things that an individual may not pick up at all. Either way, let's get to the beer.

The "top fermented abbey ale" pours a wonderful golden color with a lot of slightly off-white head. I'd say the initial pour presented me with about two inches of foamy beer protection. As expected with Belgian-styled Abbeys, it pretty much fits the stereotype. The nose is fruity with apples, pear, spices, and even some caramelized sugars. It smells absolutely delicious; however, it also seems bold.

(The beer looks a lot darker backed by the Penguin Classics. I knew I should have gone with the Oxfords.)

Initially on tasting, I actually do not get much flavor out of the beer. This is, to be quite honest, disappointing to me. However, as it warms up more of the flavors come out. Just as it smells, apples, pears, spice, and even some slight raisin. The consistency somewhat surprises me as well. As I swirl it around in my mouth, it feels more like a cream ale or a beer on nitro. However, considering the size of the head and the bubbles still floating up from the bottom of my glass, I assume it is the carbonation. The finish is also disappointing as it is just a rather strong yeasty aftertaste. No bitterness (I didn't expect there to be) or lingering fruity notes. This beer does not have the ABV listed on the label so I really do not have the slightest idea what it is. Notice I didn't list alcohol in regards to the smell or the flavor. On the other hand, I am no fool and I know that beers from Belgium are, more likely than not, deceiving when it comes to alcohol content. I'm sure it is pretty high up there with the rest of them.

Am I enjoying this beer right now? Absolutely. After working tonight, nothing could be more enjoyable than a product of Belgium. Would I buy it again? Possibly. Do I want to try the other beers coming out of St. Sebastiaan? Absolutely. The real question is: would I recommend this beer to others? My answer is yes. I have certain friends who say they hate Belgian-styled ales (this statement baffles me in its entirety), and they are the only ones I wouldn't recommend this to. It's not too expensive, so go grab yourself one and pop it open. With the flipper top, you could drink half today and half tomorrow. It is the best way to save beer (if there is any way at all once oxygen has hit it).

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Bellegems Bruin: West Flanders Ale

Apologies are in order for my absence for almost a month. This past holiday season was filled with excessive growler consumption on a nightly basis. For example, we all enjoyed growlers from Taps, BJs (ugh), Inland Empire Brewing Co, Hangar 24, Packinghouse Brewing Co, Bootleggers Brewery, The Bruery, and Stone Brewing Co. T'was the season for growlers (and weight gain). However, all good things must come to an end and it is time to return to reviewing some brews and calming things down a little.

I purchased this beer on a whim. The glass was only $2.99 and I picked it up because I thought it was a pretty sweet goblet for such a cheap price. I then went and found the brew to match (every beer lover appreciates matching glassware). I've had it in my refrigerator for over a month now, and I think it is finally time to try it. I do know that a "Flanders-styled Ale" is usually a sour and from Belgium. This little guy seems to fit the mold perfectly.

It pours a dark amber with a red glow if held up to light. It possesses a nice khaki head that remains on top. This is a nice-looking beer if you ask me. Aromas: green apple, sweet malts, and candied notes. I know these aromas, and they usually mean I'm about to drink a sour.

While the range of sours is monstrous, just like the range of differences in any category, this is only slightly sour. It reminds me of Monks Sour Ale quite a bit, but it seems more relatable to Duchesse de Bourgogne. Anyways, the flavors are sour, acidic, malty, and oakie as I swirl it around in my mouth. The finish is clean with sour apple and those candied notes I mentioned earlier. Overall, this is a relatively easy-drinking beer and quite delicious. It is not too complex, nor is it too strong of a sour to turn off a first-time sour drinker either. This would also work as a nice palate cleanser if you are switching beer styles on a night of tasting.

At 5.5% ABV, it's not a monster but it does pack a nice collection of flavors. I will definitely buy it again and use my sweet goblet.

A lot of people have asked me why I do not "rate" the beers I review. Here is my reasoning behind the lack of ratings: whatever point scale I give to any sort of rating system would be misleading, considering that I am the only one who knows what the top of that scale tastes like. I personally think rating systems are often misused and relied on too much. In turn, my rating scale for beer goes as follows: I like it or I do not like it. It's that simple. It is up to you, the reader of this blog, to decide whether or not you want to try it on your own. The point of this blog, for me, is not to rate whether some beer is higher on my B.S. scale than another. The point is to let you all know what I taste when having a specific beer and whether it was worth my money or not. You will find no ratings on here, only my personal observations. Cheers!