As I prepare myself for Inland Empire Brewing Company's Third Anniversary tomorrow, I figured I'd have a delicious brew to wind down after a busy, yet very positive, week. As I visited my friend Stan at my local bottle shop, I saw three brews from Epic Brewing Company that I'd never seen before. In fact, I hadn't even heard that brewery's name until I saw the bottles. I was immediately drawn to them and I had to purchase two of them. Naturally, this is one of the recent purchases. It had a tag hanging on the neck saying this beer won a silver medal at the GABF (Great American Beer Festival) in 2011. That was enough to sell me.
The beer pours a delicious-looking apricot color. Minimal lacing around the glass with a frothy egg-white head, the brew is quite pretty to be honest. The aromas on the nose are Belgian candied sugar, oak, and definitely peachy fruitiness. Obviously the bottle says all of these things, but that is truthfully what the nose consists of. Maybe some chamomile, but overall it smells fruity. Upon tasting, it's actually somewhat bitter on the front of the tongue; however this is immediately countered with a very oaky flavor (delicious). The finish is fruity, dry, and somewhat bitter. Not a hoppy bitterness though. More like a canned peach flavor. Overall I think this is a really good fruit beer. Notice I did not mention booze or alcohol in any part of the description. I cannot even pick out that flavor, or "hotness" in the throat, in this brew at all. Ladies and Gents, be warned! Ranking in at 10.7%, this is a monster that hides its booze very well.
Epic Brewing Company, you have earned yourself another fan today. Time to search out everything I can find from you. Folks, I would highly suggest you do the same. I really do not think you will regret it. Salt Lake City, it's about time you start making, no pun intended, epic beers. This is definitely one of them. Well done, Epic B.C.