Friday, November 12, 2010

Kern River Brewing Company: Anniversary Ale

Kern River Brewing Co. is a brewery I have not had anything from. They have an IPA and stout that are widely available in the area, yet I have never purchased them or tried them. Tonight, however, I was in the mood for something unfamiliar as I was browsing the shelves of beer and decided to pick this one up. The label says absolutely nothing about the beer, which makes it somewhat more exciting as I have no idea what I'm actually purchasing. I get home, pop it open, and pour it into one of my favorite tulip glasses...

The beer pours fairly golden in color with about a one inch egg-white head that actually remains on top of the beer for quite some time. On the nose, I get malts immediately. As I swirl, I get some citrus scents too. Perhaps some orange peel or even some grapefruit. There is a tad bit of spiciness to the scent as well, but nothing too overpowering to pick out. This seems crazy, but I can even pick out some honey on the nose as well.

As for the taste, I really do not know what went wrong with the beer; however something obviously has gone wrong. Immediately I am presented with a bite that I did not expect. I figured it was due to the hops, but I also know that a bitter hoppiness is usually the last flavor as you taste a beer. I can, on the other hand, tell what this beer is supposed to taste like. A medium-bodied ale with loads of citrus and spice. To be quite honest, it tastes like a spiced session ale. I am almost positive this is what they are going for and quite possibly what the beer tastes like without the immediate bite. Even though mine has the bite at the beginning, it seems to go away as you continue to drink the beer. Perhaps my taste buds were not ready for the spices in the beer, but there is a huge white pepper kick to it. I have no idea what the ABV is on this because I have not looked it up. I like to review my beers without any "outside interference," if you will, in terms of appearance, aromas, flavors, etc. The aftertaste is only slightly bitter and is actually quite delightful now that I think about it. Slightly bitter (as I enjoy my aftertaste being) but I can really pick out the citrus and spice. The aftertaste makes me want to keep drinking.

Fairly easy drinking beer even with the bite that mine has. Do I think this beer is supposed to have that surprise at the beginning? No. Would I buy it again to try another one? Probably not. Is it worth a shot? Absolutely. This is a great beer to open the flood gates of craft beers to someone. It is inexpensive, medium-bodied, and overall decent. I'd say give it a shot folks. After all, I truly believe something happened to mine.