Thursday, June 2, 2011

Stone Brewing Co: Belgo Anise Imperial Russian Stout

Another Belgo. I have been waiting for this one to come out for quite some time (since the Belgo Old Guardian) and the moment has finally arrived. The descriptions and notes on the bottle beat you over the head with the whole anise thing, so I figure there is going to be a lot of black licorice flavor present in this brew (Education on ANISE). These are just, obviously, predictions. It pours just as I expected it would: black, no translucence at all, and a dark khaki head.

The most prominent aroma? Anise. Not that this is surprising considering I know the story behind the creation of this beer, but wow, it is quite pungent. I also get oakiness, molasses, and alcohol on the nose. As I continue to smell the brew, I find slight traces of smokiness as well. Not much (nor do I expect it to taste smokey at all), but I can still pick it out. The flavor profile does not differ much from the nose. Lots of anise on the front with very identifiable alcohol. As the beer hits the back of the throat, the flavors of the traditional IRS appear only to be suddenly smothered by more anise and alcohol for a bitter finish.

Honestly, I am not sure about this, nor the Belgo idea as a whole. I would never say this is a bad beer, because it's not. It's actually quite original. However, there's just too much anise. I feel Stone's use of the Belgian yeast with the two Belgo styles this year hasn't worked as precisely as they would have wanted. At least not for enjoying the beers upon the date of their release. I'm really hoping this beer mellows out after a while (as I hope with the Belgo Old Guardian Barley Wine). It definitely punches you in the face with flavor and uniqueness, and I'm also quite anxious to try it on tap. My only fear is that the alcohol and anise will be even more prominent on tap. I did not have this beer cold either; I drank it at room temperature. It ranks in at 10.5% ABV. I'll try the other one I bought in about a year. Do I recommend it? Yes. I think everyone should taste this. Spend the $6.00, support local breweries, and enjoy it slowly.