Monday, October 31, 2011

Deschutes Brewery (Boulevard Brewing Co.) Conflux Series: No 2

"The Conflux Series: Where we unite with fellow craft beer zealots separated by distance, but not passion, to create unlikely, one-time only collaborations." -Beer Bottle

I read somewhere that this beer is quite the treat, and considering it's Halloween and I don't really eat candy, I thought I'd treat myself. The label describes the contents inside the bottle as a citrusy, smooth white India Pale Ale which combines Deschutes' hop skills with Boulevard's deft wheat touch. It also says it's brewed with orange peel and coriander with spices added. Naturally, with the sudden heat wave Southern California has been subject to (big surprise, right?), this brew seems just perfect for the occasion.

The appearance is a clean light golden color. I've never had any of Boulevard's beers, but I was expecting at least a bit of cloudiness considering the whole "deft wheat touch" aspect of the label. This is neither here nor there because appearance isn't that big of a deal to me (or professional beer judges to be honest). There is a nice white foamy head which leaves a nice retention around the glass. Speaking of the glass, since a beer geek loves matching glassware to the beer they are consuming at that precise moment, I busted out my Deschutes Brewery Public House pint glass for this one.

As far as aromas go, I get the citrus on the nose with some grassy aromas. By grassy, I am referring to certain different varietals of hops which contain aromas similar to, well, grass. Green and earthy does not mean bad when it comes to hops. I can also smell some slight bitterness on the nose as well.

Wow, this is definitely a delicious brew! It starts off fruity and citrusy as I would expect, but then suddenly gets a bit spicy. I do not mean "hot" spicy, but spicy in terms of flavor. As the spices settle, the hops power through and the finish leaves the mouth marginally bitter and dry. As I continue to enjoy the beer, the dryness seems less predominant in the finish. I would definitely say that if you enjoy Saisons, this beer is right up your alley! Delicious and definitely refreshing, this brew is masterfully crafted. I wouldn't expect anything else out of Deschutes. I do not believe I've ever tasted a beer I have not enjoyed from them. They are completely reliable as far as I'm concerned. Let's here it for the Conflux Series! What's next for No. 3?