Saturday, February 26, 2011

Uerige: DoppelSticke

I seriously bought this beer because of the sweet bottle. I mean, considering everything on the label is in German, I was clueless as to what it was except for it being an Alt-Bier. So, I purchased it and brought it home. I was not going to do a write-up on it, but then the aromas hit me. The aromas coming off of this guy are huge. Sweet malts, toffee, brown sugar, even some sort of barrel. To be honest, it smells a lot like the Lost Abbey Angel Share that I had aged in Brandy barrels. That's the closest I can come to comparing the way this brew smells. It's amazing. Upon further analysis, the label says this: "Bottled on 06.04." Knowing that months and years are reversed (from the way we do it here in the United States) in Europe, I'm assuming this beer was bottled in April 2006. So, pretty much 5 years ago this thing has been sitting and aging. Amazing news considering I spent $6.00 on it.

The beer pours a murky brown, as expected. There was little head that quickly disappeared to leave nice lacing around the inside of my glass. If I had known that I would be reviewing this guy, I wouldn't have used this style glass. Either way, it does not matter to me as I am dying to try it.

Immediately I get alcohol on the tongue with lots of carmelized malt characters (toffee, caramel, brown sugar) like in the aromas and a slightly bitter finish. The finish actually has some dark espresso bitterness to it. Honestly, it smells a lot better than it tastes. Yet, it is still a great tasting beer. It is an extremely easy-drinking beer, especially for something that started out at 8.5% ABV. I can guarantee that it is higher in ABV in 2011 for the alcohol is not hidden at all. You can definitely taste it, but this is a great beer for the beer lover who is searching for something different. Will I buy it again? Probably. Do I recommend it? Absolutely. Go get yourself a DoppelSticke and throw on some Wizo while you enjoy it, schweinhund!